When we think of lavender, we immediately picture Provence, its unique color, and its floral scent used in cosmetics and household products. However, we often forget that lavender is also an edible plant with delicate and subtle flavors that match its fragrance.

Fresh, dried, or essential oil of lavender

It can be used in cooking to decorate, flavor, and add a touch of originality to our recipes. Although lavender petals are more decorative as they are not very flavorsome, its essential oil, on the other hand, provides a very powerful fragrance and must therefore be used sparingly in cooking.

Caution! Do not confuse lavender with lavandin

It is important to note that lavender and lavandin are two distinct species with different uses, especially in cooking since lavandin is not edible. This species, which generally grows in gardens, should therefore not be used in our culinary preparations.

Lavender in herbal teas, in sweet dishes… And even savory ones!

Lavender has the unique ability to be enjoyed in several ways. It can be found in drinks by flavoring water or in syrup, for example. Lavender herbal teas have many benefits for the body; organic soothing true lavender and verbena herbal tea helps to relax, organic purifying lavender, verbena, and thyme herbal tea strengthens the immune system, and organic digest’ lavender and rosemary herbal tea stimulate digestion.

We can also find lavender in our dishes, in both sweet and savory recipes. It can be used to flavor a dessert like a flan, biscuit, panna cotta, ice cream... As well as it can season a marinade or serve as a sauce for a pork roast by bringing a floral and sweet touch to the dish.

Does this intrigue you as well? Then wait no more! Enhance your recipes with lavender and enjoy!