There's nothing more pleasant than putting on clothes that smell clean and fresh after coming out of the washing machine. Often, laundry detergents are scented to enhance this sense of well-being, and we find in stores detergents with sweet almond, rose, and even... lavender? 

However, did you know that it is impossible to synthetically reproduce the scent of lavender? Indeed, this is what Odile Tassi explains:

"It is impossible to reproduce the scent of lavender. Laundry detergent makers, for example, must use lavandin to perfume their detergent bases. If they used only synthetic lavender, the consumer would not be able to recognize the lavender scent in the product."

Thus, an industrial lavender laundry detergent is impossible to achieve... But by creating your own laundry detergent and adding a few drops of lavender essential oil, it is possible!

Why make your own laundry detergent? For starters, it's much more eco-friendly than industrial laundry detergent filled with polluting and harmful chemicals. It will also save you money as it only costs about €1.50 to create a liter of laundry detergent. And most importantly, the product will be much more suited to your skin since store-bought detergents are generally allergenic and contain chemical products that can be dangerous to health.

If, like us, this has inspired you to try, we offer a simple and quick recipe to make your own lavender laundry detergent:


- 1 L (35.2 fl oz) of water
- 35 gr (1.2oz) of Marseille soap, grated or in flakes
- 2 tablespoons of soda crystals
- 25 drops of lavender or lavandin essential oil


- A saucepan
- A large container (e.g., a 1.5L (52.8 fl oz) container for 1L (35.2 fl oz) of laundry detergent)
- A funnel

Laundry detergent preparation:

  1. In a saucepan, pour the water and the flakes of Marseille soap.
  2. Heat up at medium heat and stir occasionally with a clean spoon, until the soap is completely melted.
  3. Off the heat, add the soda crystals, mix (use a blender if necessary) and let it cool, preferably overnight.
  4. Once the mixture is cold, add the lavender essential oil. Give it another mix.
  5. Using the funnel, pour the mixture into your container.

Usage Tip: Remember to shake your laundry detergent container before each use as the product tends to solidify over time.

*Recipe by Anaelle Sorignet (Blog: “La révolution des tortues”)